The Redmi Watch 5 Active, the successor to the Watch 3 Active, is set to go on sale in India on August 27, 2024. It will come with a 2-inch display, which is slightly bigger than the Redmi Watch 3 Active's 1.48-inch screen. In addition, the new Redmi smartwatch will offer 18 days of battery life. Based on the company's official teaser, the wearable will have a minimum of two colour options. It will be launched alongside the X Pro QLED TV series from the parent company, Xiaomi. Read on to know more about the upcoming Redmi smartwatch in detail.
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The upcoming Watch 5 Active will have a square shape and a physical button on the right side, similar to its predecessor. It will come in silver and black colours. However, alternative shades for the straps could be available. The Redmi wristwatch has a battery life of up to 18 days. This is a big jump from the previous Watch 3 Active, which has a battery life of 12 days.
Compared to its predecessor, the new Redmi Watch 5 Active will offer more than 140 sport modes. It will also offer a bigger display, possibly an OLED panel. The upcoming Redmi model will be the first smartwatch to employ HyperOS as its operating system. Additionally, it will include Alexa built-in. The Redmi Watch 5 Active will come with support for a new Clear+ Calling feature, which seems to reduce background noises.
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Similar to the Redmi Watch 3 Active, the upcoming smartwatch from Redmi is likely to include blood oxygen and heart rate monitoring, among other health functions. It is also expected to come with an extensive selection of watch faces.