Xiaomi spin-off brand Redmi recently launched Redmi 8A entry-level smartphone in India, and it may expand the Redmi 8 Series smartphone portfolio soon. The company is likely to unveil the Redmi 8 on October 9. Manu Kumar Jain, Xiaomi India Managing Director, has shared an image on Twitter which looks like a teaser of the Redmi 8. Redmi is teasing a dual-rear camera and a big battery on the device.
Mi fans! Just when you thought the #Diwali action has reached a peak, here's #BatteryCameraAction!
— #MiFan Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) 3 October 2019
Battery champion with 4⃣/_ _ arriving on 9th Oct.
It's time to do moooooooore!
???? Click more
???? Watch more
???? Play more
???? Store more
RT if you know what's coming. ????#Xiaomi ❤️ pic.twitter.com/71LxSA4iyk
The image in the tweet shows the number 8 with two vertically-aligned cameras in it. The corresponding text reads ‘Battery, Camera, Action’, which clearly indicates that the phone is likely belong to Redmi 8 series and will have battery and camera as its USPs. Further, the executive also wrote ‘play more’ and ‘store more’, suggesting a powerful chipset and big onboard storage.
Recently, a Redmi phone with model number M1908C3IC was spotted on TENAA certification website in China. It claimed that this handset is Redmi 8 and feature a 6.26-inch HD+ display with a Dot Notch. The smartphone is rumoured to come equipped with an octa-core processor clocked at 2GHz.
The Redmi 8 is touted to ship with 2GB/3GB RAM with 32GB storage model and 4GB RAM with the 64GB internal storage variant. In the camera department, the phone may sport a 12MP camera with Sony IMX 363 sensor and 5MP secondary sensor. On the front could be an 8MP selfie shooter. It is tipped to house a 4800mAh battery with 18W fast charging support.