The NoiseFit Origin is now available in India at an attractive price of Rs 6,499. It comes in a total of six colour options: Silver Grey, Mosaic Blue, Jet Black, Midnight Black, Classic Black, and Classic Brown. The smartwatch has a single-cut stainless steel design, 3ATM water resistance, and a functional rotating crown. It is currently available for purchase at Croma stores and on the company's official website. Starting June 7, the wearable will also be sold by e-commerce sites such as Flipkart and Amazon. Let's look at other specs of Noise's new smartwatch in detail.
The manufacturer claims that the EN 1 processor, which enables a 30% faster response rate and greater processing power, is the NoiseFit Origin's most notable feature. It provides a more clean and appealing user interface, with revised icons, modern menu layouts, and smooth gradients. The workout screens and notifications are more efficiently arranged. Further, new widgets provide instant access to important data for an easier-to-use interface.
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The new wearable from Noise has a 1.46-inch circular AMOLED screen with a resolution of 466 x 466 pixels and a maximum brightness of 600 nits. It supports more than 100 sports modes and allows users to pick from over 100 watch faces. The smartwatch is available with numerous health-tracking functions, including blood oxygen level monitoring, heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, stress tracking, and a female cycle tracker. It supports up to seven-day battery life and a Bluetooth 5.3 connection.