Noise, a fast-growing consumer electronics company in India, has introduced the new true wireless (TWS) earphones named the Pop Buds at an affordable price of Rs 999. The earbuds come in four dual-tone colour options: Forest Pop, Lilac Pop, Moon Pop, and Steel Pop. They have an in-ear design, a quad-mic system, and Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity. Noise recently launched the ColorFit Pulse 4 smartwatch in India, priced at Rs 2,499. The wristwatch boasts remarkable features, including a 1.85-inch AMOLED display, 600 nits brightness, and always-on display. Here are the detailed specifications for the Noise Pop Buds.
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The Noise's true wireless (TWS) earphones feature environmental noise cancellation (ENC) technology that allows for clearer phone calls by reducing background noises. The audio wearable incorporates 10mm drivers and a quad mic configuration. It can play music for up to 50 hours. The new earbuds offer fast charging, with a full charge taking about 90 minutes. The Instacharge feature allows them to have a 150-minute battery life in only a 10-minute charging.
Noise claims that its super stylish Pop Buds feature Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity and have low latency of up to 65ms. They are equipped with Hyper Sync technology for quick device pairing. The earphones have a one-year warranty and can be purchased from Flipkart and the Noise India website.
Let's also look at some key specifications of the recently introduced Noise ColorFit Pulse 4 Smartwatch.
The Noise smartwatch features a 1.85-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 390x450 pixels and a brightness of up to 600 nits. It carries an IP68 rating for water and dust resistance. While Noise has not revealed the ColorFit Pulse 4's battery life, it claims that it can operate for up to seven days between charges.
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Additionally, the watch has a Bluetooth calling capability called Tru Sync that lets you make direct calls from your watch. It is backed by Bluetooth version 5.3. Other notable features of the smartwatch include Noise Health Suite and Noise Buzz.