Amazon has launched a new category of Alexa skills tailored specifically for children under 13 years of age in India. New skills include a quiz from Amar Chitra Katha to help expand knowledge of Indian mythology, learning about animal kingdom with Tinkle’s Shikari Shambu, solving brain teasers with Suppandi, singing along popular nursery rhymes and listening to stories from ChuChu TV, and gamified learning from Playablo.
Parents and families can easily discover kid skills via the Alexa app and the ability to use kid skills is controlled by the main account holder and needs to be enabled via the Alexa app.
“Amar Chitra Katha has been synonymous with the knowledge of history and mythology for over 50 years. We are happy to extend our long legacy of quizzing from Uncle Pai’s time, as an Alexa skill. Just say “Alexa, open Amar Chitra Katha Quiz” to get started. Users can also expect hours of fun by engaging with our most popular Tinkle characters Shambu on animal facts and Suppandi on mind-boggling riddles," said Sanjay Dhar, President, Amar Chitra Katha.
Other skills include Tinkle, PAC-MAN, Hungama, Appu Series, Videogyan, HooplaKidz, Moshi Twilight, and Bob the Train. These skills can be accessed on all Amazon Echo devices as well as the free Alexa app for smartphones.
“In line with our vision to keep expanding Alexa as a service that provides a delightful and fun experience for the entire family, we have curated a special catalogue of skills to engage, entertain and educate children. Our developer guidelines ensure that the skill experiences encourage exploration and creativity among kids,” said Dilip RS, Country Manager for Alexa Skills, Amazon.
Based on themes and rhymes from Appu's world, this interactive skill is designed to help develop and improvise listening, comprehending and problem-solving abilities in children. Just say “Alexa, open Appu's Adventures ".
Kids can explore audio rhymes on animal kingdom, festivals, educational and fun rhymes from Hungama and Appu Series. Just say “Alexa, open Hungama Rhymes”.
Parents can use Moshi Twilight skill to help settle little listeners at bedtime. It features surreal stories with dreamy melodies and calming narration, guided relaxations and soothing sounds, all with a magical Moshi twist. Just say “Alexa, open Moshi Twilight”.