Huawei is launching its smartwatch, the Huawei Watch GT 2 in India on December 5. The company has started teasing the watch on its website and Twitter handle. There are dedicated pages with ‘Notify Me’ buttons on the e-commerce platforms Amazon and Flipkart. The watch was launched at IFA 2019 in Berlin and is claimed to offer up to two weeks of battery life on a single charge.
Just ☝️ day to go until we unveil the #HUAWEIWATCHGT2
— Huawei India (@HuaweiIndia) December 4, 2019
Choose your favourite face to match your mood and switch it up to suit your lifestyle
???? business
???? fashion
????♀️????♂️ sports
...and more.
05.12.19 - India#ExploreMore #OneDayToGo #OneChargeTwoWeeks #StayTuned
The Huawei Watch GT 2 is powered by company’s indigenously-developed Kirin A1 chipset -- developed exclusively for wearables. As mentioned, the company claims that the watch delivers up to two weeks of battery life on a single charge on the 46 mm variant. This variant has a 455 mAh battery and runs Lite OS baked atop Google WearOS. The 42 mm variant lasts up to a week. The 46 mm version features a 1.39-inch AMOLED display and the 42 mm model sports a 1.2-inch display.
Define powerful on your own terms with the #HUAWEIWatchGT2 and it’s Kirin A1 chipset, designed to accelerate your performance to its maximum with #OneCharge2Weeks.
— Huawei India (@HuaweiIndia) December 3, 2019
Get notified now: #ComingSoon #KirinA1 #Technology
The Watch GT 2 comes with multiple customisable watch faces, and users can view messages, email, calendar, and social media apps’ notifications. It features sensors like an optical heart rate sensor, geomagnetic sensor, gyroscopic sensor, accelerometer sensor, ambient light sensor, and air pressure sensor. Also, the smartwatch is waterproof for up to 50 metres. Users can also follow their performance while running, walking, hiking, trail runs, cycling, open water swimming and triathlons.