Gionee kick-started their financial year with the launch of the F205 and S11 Lite priced at Rs 8,999 and Rs 13,999 respectively. Both the phones feature FullView 18:9 display, support facial recognition for unlocking the device and sport bokeh effect on both front and rear camera.
Now coming to the details, the F205 is powered by 1.3 GHz Mediatek Quad Core processor. It operates on Amigo 5.0, Gionee's version of Android 7.1 Nougat, and comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage space. Thanks to microSD slot, the storage is expandable up to 256GB. It is also backed by a 2670 mAH battery. The F205 boasts of an 8-megapixel camera in front and a rear 5-megapixel camera. The F205 sports a 5.45-inch FullView 18:9 display.
The S11 Lite, on the other hand, comes with a 5.7-inch HD+ display with a body ratio of 18:9 and a 2.5D Gorilla Glass. It is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 octa-core SoC paired with 4GB RAM and 64GB onboard storage with expandable memory. Great news for all selfie addicts, the S11 Lite comes with a 16-megapixel front camera, which is coupled with bokeh mode. It also sports dual rear camera, 13-megapixel and 2-megapixel. The S11 Lite is backed by 3030mAh battery.
The F205 is available in Rose Gold, Black and Blue while the S11 Lite comes in Black, Gold and Dark Blue colours.
At the launch, Mr Alok Shrivastava, Director – National Sales, Gionee India said, “Setting off the new fiscal year with a bang, the primary driver behind our new launches F205 and S11 Lite is to amalgamate affordability with functionality. Catering to the swelling demand for pre-eminent smartphone features at competitive price points, both the launches are designed to lead the sub – 15K category in India. With new age features like Face Unlock, Fingerprint shutter, bokeh and group selfies with backlight; coupled with a Full View Display, we intend to establish connect with the youth and continue fulfilling their demands and requirements in the times to come