Fujifilm India Private Limited has expanded its X-Series by launching the X-T200 mirrorless camera with lightweight body and Fujifilm's proprietary colour reproduction technology. The camera inherits the ‘central viewfinder style,’ that was adopted by the popular X-T Series such as the Fujifilm X-T3. The new entrant comes with an APS-C sensor that packs 24.24 million pixels (24MP resolution) and a high-performance image processing engine. The camera can record smooth 4K video at 30fps or HDR movies.
‘Catering to the consumption patterns of the photographers, X-T200, not only offers a novel photography experience to the end users, but also brings the imaging industry to new heights in terms of product design. With this new edition, one can capture their everyday moments. We are confident that our latest offering will cater to the growing list of professional photographers in India and open up newer possibilities in the imaging space,’ Haruto Iwata, Managing Director, Fujifilm India Pvt Ltd, said in a statement.
The camera has a 3.5-inch touchscreen LCD monitor, and it offers upgraded video recording features that results in improved Full HD resolution and high-speed recording. Fujifilm says that the camera’s autofocus performance has been enhanced by placing on-sensor phase detection pixels across the sensor. An evolved algorithm enables autofocus tracking of a moving subject as well as gives camera the ability to focus quickly and accurately even in low light conditions.
The X-T200 with 15-45mm Kit is priced at Rs 66,999 and with 15-45mm/50-230mm Dual Kit, it can be purchased for Rs 85,999.