Facebook redesigns life events feature

By Anuj Sharma - December 13, 2018
When you react to a life event, other reactions and photos of friends who have reacted animate to celebrate or commemorate the moment. ....

As big milestones in life deserve big announcements, which is why social media giant Facebook is giving its Life Events feature a make-over to ensure these moments stand out even more. Earlier, when you add a Life Event such as an engagement, new job or birth of a child -- you could choose an emoji or icon to represent its significance. Facebook is now providing new options, including animated photos and videos to give you more ways to commemorate your life events and help your friends see these important milestones.

“If you don’t have your own images, you can now choose from a wide range of art from Facebook. You can also include photos from the people or Pages you’ve tagged in the post, like your partner in a relationship or a new school or workplace. The photos and videos in your post also include subtle animations, like slowly zooming in. Just as before, when you create a new life event, you can include an icon to represent your update,” Facebook said in a blog post.

And for certain types of life events such as if you have changed your city, work, education, and relationship status, your friends will receive a notification to ensure they don’t miss your news. Facebook will also filter the notifications so you only see the ones that are most relevant, and you can also turn off these notifications at any time.

When you react to a life event, other reactions and photos of friends who have reacted animate to celebrate or commemorate the moment.

Facebook will now be highlighting life events in a dedicated section on profiles. This can help you learn more about your friends and potential connections — and gives you a new way to reminisce and reflect on your big moments. You can choose to hide a life event by tapping “…” at the top of the post and selecting “Hide from Timeline.”

The redesigned life events feature will be rolled out globally over the coming days on iOS, Android and desktop.


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