Amazon India has announced that the pre-orders of the Echo Show 8 have begun and interested customers can book a device. Originally available for Rs 12,999, the company has introduced a ‘limited time launch price’ of Rs 8,999. The device will start shipping on February 26. The Echo Show 8 is a successor to the Echo Show 5 that was launched in May last year in India. The Echo Show 8 features an 8-inch HD display and a built-in camera with a shutter.
Amazon Echo Show is a portable device that comes equipped with all the features of Alexa-powered Echo speakers. In addition to that, it has a display that lets users watch shows, movies, news, sports, make hands-free calls, send texts, among others. Users can also control their smart home devices, like check security cameras, control lights, switch on/off appliances, and more.
As mentioned, the Echo Show 8 comes with an 8-inch HD touch screen display. On the top bezel, there is a camera with a shutter so that users can cover the camera in case of privacy concerns. Users can also use the camera for the drop-in feature that quickly connects other Echo devices with the Echo Show 8. On the audio part, the Echo Show 8 has 2-inch neodymium speakers and a passive bass radiator.