PC maker Acer today launched Acer Swift 5 in India that comes with 8th Generation Intel Core processors, metal body, and weighs just 970 grams. Priced at Rs 79,999, the laptop will be available in Acer Exclusive stores and other retailers across India.
At just 14.9 mm thin, the new Swift 5 is targeted at users who want portability accompanied by style. The notebook features ultra-light magnesium-lithium alloys at the top and at the bottom cover, and magnesium-aluminum alloys finish at the palm rest area.
The device boasts a 14-inch fuill-HD display with narrow bezels and comes with Acer Color Intelligence technology that optimises screen colour, brightness and saturation levels to best suit the needs. The laptop further packs Acer TrueHarmony with Dolby audio premium technology for a clean audio experience.
Running on the windows 10 platform, Acer Swift 5 comes with 8GB of RAM, 512GB SDD storage, eight hours of battery back-up along with a fast wireless 2x2 802.11ac WiFi connectivity.
The swift 5 includes dual USB 3.1 Type C port, a fingerprint reader to help quickly and securely verify an owner’s identity through Windows Hello, allowing them to log on with a touch of the finger.
“We are ecstatic with the newest addition -- Swift 5 to our range of Swift series laptops in India. This is another record breaker by being one of the lightest laptops in the world at an unbelievable 970 grams. Cramming so much technology into such a light weight body showcases our engineering and design capabilities and we are sure Swift 5 appeals to a wide variety of people looking for a portable, light-weight powerhouse laptop,” said Chandrahas Panigrahi, CMO and Consumer Business Head, Acer India.